When we open "Use SEO URLs", our website does not work properly. The system prompts wrong.“404 Not Found nginx”

Hello ,

When we open "Use SEO URLs", our website does not work properly.

The system prompts wrong.“404 Not Found nginx” This error comes from the server,
Please ask,Does anyone know what reason? Can you help us?

thank you!

1 Reply

Linode Staff

Hi Abel,

What type of site are you running? If you are running OpenCart, I'd suggest checking your SEO keywords and ensuring they don't contain any white space, ex:

Don't use:

Rainbow dog hats

Instead, you'll want to use:


If you're all good there, the problem may stem from your .htaccess file. If your OpenCart installation is in any folder other than your webroot, you'll need to specify it in .htaccess. For example, if your installation is in a subfolder name "myStore":

RewriteBase /myStore


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