Reboot: host56 (2007-01-16)

Linode Staff

Machine crashed. I didn't upgrade Xen this time but I will in preparation for the next crash.

Linodes are booting now.


3 Replies

Mine didn't come back up.

Mine did - sort of. After a string of failed 'Host initiated restart' attempts, the job queue shows a 'System Shutdown' followed by a 'System Boot' into my default profile - just as if I had intervened via LPM to fix things - but I didn't.

I saw a bunch of host-initiated restarts, but they didn't seem to work and it didn't really come up til I manually shut down and booted. I did this almost immediately after the host-initiated restarts finished running, so I guess it could be that if I did nothing then it would have come up eventually.


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