Best CPAN mirror for Fremond Data Centre?

Can anyone advise which is the best/are the best CPAN mirror(s) for the Fremont Data Centre? Heck, if anyone knows, what are the best for ALL the Linode locations?

(I see the deliberate mistake in the definition of LAMP in the forum title ;-) Funny how everyone forgets Perl, which was there first…)

3 Replies


Can anyone advise which is the best/are the best CPAN mirror(s) for the Fremont Data Centre?, and are all in the physical vicinity of Fremont. … ted+States">


Thanks Cliff, I'll set up with those.

> (I see the deliberate mistake in the definition of LAMP in the forum title ;-) Funny how everyone forgets Perl, which was there first…)

yeah isn't that funny.

Oh how quickly people forget the real power behind the internet…


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