Bare Metal Servers

On the bare metal servers product page, I notice that there is now a form where you can submit the specs you would like in a bare metal server and the data centre that you would like it to be located in.

Is this just a quote mechanism? Or is it just market research to see what people would want? Or is it something else? What happens if I put some specs that I would like but can't afford what the Linode quote says? Can we negotiate a workable solution between ourselves so that both Linode and the customer are happy?

I don't want to waste anyone's time if I fill in the form expecting one thing and getting something else in return.

1 Reply

Thanks for being considerate about people's time and all – I'm happy to clarify.

Currently, we're working on getting Bare Metal into a beta release. The form that you're referencing is market research, not a request for a quote. If you're interested in signing up to be one of the beta testers, you can signup for our Green Light program. In this program, we work with customers interested in getting early access to test new features before general release.


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