How could i change the IP address of my server

How could i change the IP address of my server

4 Replies

Create a support ticket and they can do it for you.


While what @acanton77 says is probably true, my first question would be "Why?" I can guarantee that "Why?" is the first question the support folks are going to ask you as well (I used to work in support once upon a time).

If the change would be to escape your Linode's bad "internet reputation"; avoid some blacklist; avoid taking responsibility for bad behavior on the part of one of your customers/users; or any other non-technical reason, for that matter; that wouldn’t be compelling enough for me.

While I can’t speak for them, I can imagine that Linode’s response would be very similar…and they probably have a zillion technical/policy reasons to justify their position.

-- sw

escape your Linode's bad "internet reputation"

Some IPs that Linode assign to new accounts have a bad reputation and/or are blacklisted because of actions made by the IP's previous owner. In that case I'm sure Linode staff will make a change.

I said:

that wouldn’t be compelling enough for me.

It's not up to me. It's up to them… If they want to do it for the reason you stated, that's up to them.

-- sw


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