Any good GUI based email forwarding software like cPanel?


I am looking for a good GUI based email forwarding software like cPanel.

I have a few domains and need to set up email forwarding. I have tried various email forwarding services, but they all have some cons.

cPanel is one option, but it comes with a recurring cost.

I am looking for an out-of-the-box solution. Just install it and start using it.

It would be must be appreciated if anyone can suggest a good software.


Alok Sharma

3 Replies

I am looking for an out-of-the-box solution. Just install it and start using it.

I'm afraid you're going to be looking for a very long time. cPanel relies on an external mail service…could be your own; could be something like Gmail.

There is nothing about email that does not require care and feeding. I have the scars to prove it…

The first step would be to petition Linode to open your email ports. See:

You'll need to do this whether you operate your own email service or use someone else's.

-- sw

Thanks, @stevewi,

I understand the complications involved in setting up a perfectly optimized email server, and it is something beyond my scope of handling. And this is why I am looking for a software that is regularly updated and handles everything in background.

I know of cPanel, but it is more of a web hosting control panel and now comes at an increased price.

So as I was composing this message, I came across This is just one software that I have found, and I am sure there would be more.

Alternatively, any free control panel that supports email modules would be great. For that, I prefer the Linode Marketplace apps so that it is easier to deploy & maintain.

And yes, I read that I have to get the outgoing ports opened first. Now that is a separate issue, whether Linode accepts or rejects the request.

Never mind, I found an excellent email forwarding service called The Enhanced Protection Plan is just $3/mo for unlimited domains and aliases.

They also have a free plan with no limitations, with the only exception that our forwarding email addresses are stored in the DNS records are exposed to the world. This is only possible if spammers have written a code to crawl millions of domain names to extract the forwarding email addresses store in the DNS records.


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