100 dollars credit for new register?

Hi, I see that there is a 100 dollars credit for new sign-ups. I just signed up today but I don't see the credit on my account. Would anyone verify for me? Thanks

2 Replies

Hello there,

I was able to pull up your Linode account with your username and it could be that there was an issue with the code being applied correctly to your account. We'll need a little more information to help us rectify this issue and prevent this from occurring in the future.

  • What steps did you take before signing up? (In other words, how did did you find and apply the promo code?)
  • Do you recall the name of the promo code? It would be most helpful if you could provide a link to the specific promo.
  • If a link was used during signup, are you able to provide the full URL of the signup link?

Once we have this information, we'll have your promo code re-applied to your account. I'd recommend you open a support ticket and we'll look into this. To open a ticket, click on Help & Support on the left menu bar, then Customer Support.

Hi there, I reply to the support ticket but there seems to be no response so I am gonna replay here as well.

here are the steps I did:

I clicked the Linode official side and there is a "See if Linode works for you with $100 in credit" for signing up with Google. So I just signed up with my Google account. I didn't see any specific promo code and based on what I searched online, there seems to be no promo code needed for this credit.

The link is the following:



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