How to disable IPV6 (Centos 8 Stream)


I'm running "CentOS Stream release 8" and I try to disable IPv6.
Actually I see this messages:

==> /var/log/messages <== Jan 6 12:24:56 HBL01 NetworkManager[839]: <warn> [1641468296.5258] ipv6ll[386f7f8905f24c3f,ifindex=2]: changed: no IPv6 link local address to retry after Duplicate Address Detection failures (back off)
Jan 6 12:25:06 HBL01 NetworkManager[839]: <warn> [1641468306.5367] platform-linux: do-add-ip6-address[2: fe80::f03c:92ff:fea0:1fef]: failure 95 (Operation not supported)
Jan 6 12:25:08 HBL01 NetworkManager[839]: <warn> [1641468308.5389] ipv6ll[386f7f8905f24c3f,ifindex=2]: changed: no IPv6 link local address to retry after Duplicate Address Detection failures (back off)</warn></warn></warn>

It seeams IPv6 not's enabled after execute this boths commands but the error messages persists

sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1

[root@HBL01 ~]# ifconfig |grep inet6
[root@HBL01 ~]#

I try to update the file "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" to this configuration:




but after reboot the configuration was restored.
It's possible to edit this file? Or How can I disable IPV6 from NetworkManager?

Thanks in advance

2 Replies

I'd file a support ticket about this… Networking configuration is (for the most part) set up by Linode when your server boots up. If you want to take over maintenance of same, you need to do it correctly.

While that might be useful information for a lot of people, a lot of other people will find it confusing and assume they need to do what you need to do and dive right into the abyss.

-- sw


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