LKE technical questions - exposing service on port 22 / using gvisor

Linode Staff

I'm considering using LKE for my services and I have a few technical questions that would help me accelerate my decision.

  1. Can I expose a service on host TCP port 22, or would it conflict with ssh installed on the host? I want to run custom ssh services (like a ssh based game) on 22.
  2. Is there any way to use gvisor for running specific pods? Ideally it would be as simple as the GKE solution, but I think I would be ok with a manual workaround -
  3. Why does LKE recommend 3 nodes in a node pool? wouldn't 2 suffice to keep things available in a 1 node outage? Or is it just recommending the ideal case such that there is 1 outage you are not vulnerable on just 1 remaining?

1 Reply

Can I expose a service on host TCP port 22, or would it conflict with ssh installed on the host? I want to run custom ssh services (like a ssh based game) on 22.

You should be able to do this if you're using a LoadBalancer service to expose your cluster.

You would just need to specify in your yaml files that you were using port 22 instead of 80 or 443. Here's a guide I came across that gets into this.

If you were using a NodePort to expose the Linodes in your cluster, this wouldn't be possible, though, since the default range is 30000-32767.

Is there any way to use gvisor for running specific pods? Ideally it would be as simple as the GKE solution, but I think I would be ok with a manual workaround -

There's no automated way to do this with us, so it would require manual installation on a bootstrapped cluster as far as I'm aware.

Though I've passed your interest in this on to our LKE team for them to consider implementing at some point in the future.

Why does LKE recommend 3 nodes in a node pool? wouldn't 2 suffice to keep things available in a 1 node outage? Or is it just recommending the ideal case such that there is 1 outage you are not vulnerable on just 1 remaining?

Yes, two should be just fine if you're not running anything resource intensive. I believe we suggest 3 to just make sure you have enough resources in your cluster to run your workload.


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