Postfix + Dovecot = insanity

I'm about to just give up on this SMTP/POP3 thing. Is there a proprietary all-in-one Linux SMTP/POP3 server solution that makes any sense at all? The configuration of Postfix, Dovecot and the like are really out of control and there really needs to be an easier route.

Heck, I'd pay $100 for a package that would do everything and was as easy as lighttpd to configure. Its configuration is simple and straight forward. Is there such a thing?

SMTP & POP3 are very simple protocols but server implementations are abstract and archaic.

8 Replies

I did the whole courier + postfix thing and managed to get it working, but later just moved my email to google apps beta.

Awesome spam filtering, and I don't need to worry too mcuh about my mail being down coz my linode is down. :P

Well, shoot. I'm outsourcing my downloads with cachefly so I might as well outsource email too! lol. $50 /yr seems pretty reasonable considering how much time I would be wasting configuring these 2 things manually.

Sales are automated and I need a way to send keys etc with a PHP script. How well does it play with PHP/PHPMailer? Do you have the Premier account? If so, what do the outgoing headers look like when sent from a MUA like Thunderbird?

Very interested..


I'm about to just give up on this SMTP/POP3 thing.

It's not really that hard.

That looks pretty simple but unfortunately in a fit of .. something .. I deleted the /etc/init.d/postfix file. When I apt-get install postfix it didn't put the file back.. I wonder where I could get the postfix & dovecot files for init.d (Debian 4) :-P

edit: just tried dpkg –remove and --purge but it choked because it couldn't find the file I know is missing /etc/init.d/postfix lol.. So I

> touch /etc/init.d/postfix

dpkg –purge postfix

dpkg --remove postfix
Of course, it couldn't be removed cause it wasn't installed. OK.

> apt-get install postfix
brought me to the initial intallation so we will see how it turns out!!

Okay.. I'm all set except for one thing.. It says I have 0 emails yet the mail file contains all of them. I'm assuming that I've got the defaultmailenv wrong..

My mail resides in /var/spool/mail/

My defaultmailenv = mbox:/var/spool/mail/%d/:INBOX=%u

(among other things I've tried).. Hmm..

EDIT! mbox:/var/spool/mail/%d/:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/%d/%u


Now I'm getting messages that I've already downloaded.. all day long. How frustrating.

Dovecot is the devil, switched back to courier.

Well, I thought I'd post an update..

I changed from mbox to maildir and it hasn't happened again.

How does Courier compare to Dovecot memory-wise?


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