Can't install nmap


I can't isntall nmap on my debian 10 server.

When I type in apt install nmap -y I get an error message everytime:
E: "unable to locate package nmap"

3 Replies

When I type in apt install nmap -y I get an error message everytime:
E: "unable to locate package nmap"

I'm assuming you're doing this with sudo. If not, you need to do:

sudo apt install nmap -y

Otherwise, you need to check the files in /etc/apt/sources.d and make sure that the package is actually located at one of the URLs given in those files.

This link may be helpful:

If all else fails, you can build it from source:

-- sw

You may want to run apt update prior to performing the install. Many packages cannot be found until the package database has been brought up to date.

I have verified that nmap is the correct name for Debian 10. It currently at package version: 7.70+dfsg1-6+deb10u2 as of 05 Feb 2022.

Thank you both, it works now


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