Failed to apply iptables configuration


Just setup fedora 6.

After setting up the iptables firewall,

start getting these messages during boot

Should I just ignore them on linode?

Any help is appreciated



Flushing firewall rules: [ OK ]

Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: raw nat mangle filter [ OK ]

Unloading iptables modules: Opening /proc/modules: No such file or directory

grep: /proc/modules: No such file or directory

Opening /proc/modules: No such file or directory

grep: /proc/modules: No such file or directory

[ OK ]

Applying iptables firewall rules: [ OK ]

Loading additional iptables modules: ipconntracknetbios_ns [FAILED]

2 Replies


Should I just ignore them on linode?

It's trying to add kernel modules to a monolithic kernel.

Ignore the messages, The things it's trying to add are already in the Linode kernel.


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