Weblish / Glish not working

When I select "Launch LISH Console" from the main Linode admin screen I just get a box with a spinning blue circle. I can log in to my Linode from my Arch Linux desktop computer and Linux Mint desktop computers using SSH and a key no problem and I can access my Linode through Lish and my desktop console but Weblish dosent seem to work. I have tried adding my ssh public key to the Lish Console Settings screen but it dosent make any difference. I started a brand new Linode just to test and I get the same output using Chrome and Firefox.Opened a support ticket on April 5th 2022 but no reply as yet.Any help appreciated.

3 Replies

I just get a box with a spinning blue circle.

Try turning off your browser's ad or pop-up blocker…or configure it to exempt blocks of URLs that look like https://cloud.linode.com/linodes/<linode_id>/lish/glish .

<linode_id> is the ID of your Linode. It's shown for every Linode you have at https://cloud.linode.com/linodes .

-- sw

Thanks stevewi for your reply.
I tried unblocking pop-ups but no improvement however, I have discovered that Weblish and Glish work okay when I log into the Linode site on my System 76 Laptop running POP OS. I installed POP OS on my Desktop and cant get Weblish to work. So I'm thinking it may be a hardware issue with my desktop as it dosent have a dedicated graphics card and uses the on board chips (Intel HD 530). I tried a few distros on the desktop machine but Weblish dosent work with any of them. Going to try logging into Linode on another laptop to confirm.
Cheers Chris

So I'm thinking it may be a hardware issue with my desktop as it dosent have a dedicated graphics card and uses the on board chips (Intel HD 530).

This is unlikely the case…especially if your browser(s) work. If this was the case you'd probably be having many (many!) more problems.

I use a core i5 laptop with an integrated Intel HD 617 (not that far off) and lish/glish work fine for me. More likely, it's a software issue…esp if your desktop OS is Windoze…only M$ knows for sure…

At HP, we had a standard response when s*** like this happened:

Sigh…it's Windoze…

-- sw


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