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Adding an account to manage Linodes but the account has Linodes

Hello! I'm a Linode user already with a Linode I'm using regularly, on my job we are migrating to Linode as well, and I need to be included among the admin accounts for that account. They have created an account for me and I received the email, it asked me to reset password which I did, and after that nothing else happened, I don't see any changes on my account.

Is there something else I need to do? Or is this supposed to be accessed through some other place? Is there a clear way I could see if I'm correctly added to said project and if so, how do I create Linodes on that account instead of mine?

Thanks in advance

5 Replies

✓ Best Answer

From the sounds of things, you're working with two different accounts in this case. Each account would have its own username and password in order to access it. You'll simply log out of your personal account and into your work account whenever you want to add Linode's on this account, presuming you are accessing the accounts through the cloud manager.

I was accessing two accounts like this for a while myself, and accidentally created a Linode on the account that wasn't mine, which I promptly credited them for, so I would not recommend remaining logged in to either account. This way, when you need to access either your personal or work accounts, you'll manually log into which ever account you need to access at that moment.

I hope this was helpful for you.


Oh I see, it has to be another email altogether, I was hoping to be able to handle everything from a single place but if not thats okay, thank you!

Oh I see, it has to be another email altogether, I was hoping to be able to handle everything from a single place but if not thats okay, thank you!

You can use the same email for more than one account. But each account has to have its own username and password for login and access, so far as I am aware. I don't believe any single sign-on options will work in this case, either.

What @tech10 said is 100% correct.

It's also worth a mention that if you're ever in a situation where you need to transfer Linodes between accounts, you can do so by following the steps here:



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