Higher CPU Clock Speed?

I know that CPU clock speed isn't everything, but I find myself wanting a solution with a higher clock speed than the 2.2GHz that all of the linode dedicated servers have. I do a lot of large scale C++ compilation on my linode, and although having a large number of cores is important, it is also really nice to have a 4GHz clock speed since it speeds up many single threaded tasks which won't benefit from larger numbers of cores. Any change we will get such an option?

2 Replies

It's totally understandable! Faster hardware is nearly always better than its slower counterparts, especially as software and code becomes more complex.

We currently do not have any services that allow for the customization or specification of CPU speed. The speed of your Linode depends entirely on the host machine where it lives, so your CPU speed may not always be exactly what you want. I've submitted a feature request into our tracking tool since this would be a great way to optimize our deployment options.

There are instances where we can attempt to migrate your Linode to specified CPU types upon request (for example, your application needs a very specific AMD processor). Please keep in mind, that depending on the availability within your chosen data center/plan size, we may not be able to accommodate these requests at all times. Additionally, if placed on a specific host, we cannot guarantee identical hardware if that host requires emergency maintenance that results in migration.

A higher clock speed (4Ghz) would make it possible to host Magento sites at Linode, which would be great. Currently we host Magento elsewhere because Linode is too slow.


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