✓ Solved

Will closing my account charge my referral and not my linked payment method?

Unfortunately, I do not think Linode is for me. I just don't use it often enough but I wanted to try it out because it seemed like a good Linux server host but that is currently not what I want to do. I currently have $1.26 in my 'Accrued Charges', $0 in 'Account Balance' and '$100.00 remaining' in 'Promotions'. I have no active nor inactive linodes. If I close my account at it's current state, will my payment method be charged $1.26 or will it just come from the promotion? Thank you and have a great day. I did enjoy using your service but it isn't needed for me anymore. I may use your services in the future.

  • Tech

1 Reply

✓ Best Answer

The promotional credit always takes precedence over the card on the account. Only when the promotion has expired or the credit runs out, will the card on file will then be charged.

Should you close your account now, your promo will be applied to your accrued charges and any outstanding balance on the account.

Additionally, you can leave your account active and your card will not be charged as long as you don't add/create new services.


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