Domain connection timeout, but opening the IP address works.

Hi, I have problem with my domain and my linode named afpra.
So I have configured apache2 on the linode, together with lets encrypt and everything, testing prior to this when searching for the ip of afpra on the web it showed the website just fine, then I proceeded to connect it to the domain and redirect the traffic from http to https like I normally would. Problem is that when I try to open on my browser, it just keeps up loading. Watching logs it is a connection timeout.

So what I have tried so far:
1) trying wget, which returns: Connecting to (|IPADDRESS|:443… failed: Operation timed out., this also shows that the correct IP address is connected to this domain

After this I checked up my firewall, I am using ufw, and ports 80 and 443 are open so no problem with ports there.

2) I tried ping too, normal response

3) checked the name server connection through whois and dig

Please could you help me pinpoint the problem here? It has taken me more than 12 hours trying to figure it out and I have no idea where it might be

I have set up both domain and reverse dns so I believe there is no problem on that end.

1 Reply

Problem is that when I try to open on my browser, it just keeps up loading. Watching logs it is a connection timeout.

It worked for me on the Pacific coast of the US @ 0845 PDT on Sep 1 2022.

Perhaps you didn't wait long enough for your DNS changes to propagate around the world?

-- sw

PS. I got a custom error page (404) on the home page but it was served just fine.


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