I can't connect to my website

I can't connect to my website. I suspect it's because I added a new subdomain. How to delete? (The subdomain name is the NS record of my site) I can't even connect to the IP, please help

8 Replies

Just change the IP and everything will be fine.
But I didn't lock any IP

Just change the IP and everything will be fine.
But I didn't lock any IP

It would be helpful to know what the website URL is and what IP address you're using. Otherwise, there's not enough specific information here to assist you.

website URL is:https://www.olgclub.com/

i use vpn everything will be fine. But I didn't lock any IP

website URL is:https://www.olgclub.com/

i use vpn everything will be fine. But I didn't lock any IP

Let me sort out the issues identified now

  1. As long as you use VPN to change IP, everything will be normal. But I didn't lock any IP
  2. If I use my original IP, I can’t connect to any services provided by the host. I can only log in to the linode background
  3. I am using the Directadmin control panel (Same. need a VPN to log in)
    So what I can confirm is that the IP I was originally using seems to be locked

Using the URL above I get a Chinese site.

I think you have a DNS issue.

Using the URL above I get a Chinese site.
I think you have a DNS issue.

The OP is not a native English speaker (you can tell that by the way s/he writes). The IP address is a European Linode IP. S/He needs a VPN.

My suspicion is that he has a political problem…the requests are being blocked by the institutional firewalls put in place by the Chinese government. My suspicion further is that the VPN is not configured correctly.

-- sw


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