Error 54113 Varnish cache server

I visit in my linode gnome desktop with firefox and chrome browser and return Error 427 Unknown Error and Error 54113, same when try using incognito mode. But when I try to curl this website, It was successful.
I try several linodes in different region and things do same. Is there any solvtion?

1 Reply

I visit in my linode gnome desktop with firefox and chrome browser and return Error 427 Unknown Error and Error 54113, same when try using incognito mode. But when I try to curl this website, It was successful.

curl results in an HTTP 301 (permanent redirect)

curl -L works for me (-L tells curl to follow redirects).

My Linode is in the Fremont DC.

This works from all the browsers I have (Safari, Mac Chrome, iOS Safari) from my home in Portland, OR.

-- sw


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