Where to get Quota and Limits Usage API of resources in Linode ?

At Zeeve, we are building a platform for enterprises and startups for building and managing their decentralized infrastructure. Currently, we are supporting DigitalOcean, GCP and AWS.

We are planning to extend our support by adding Linode in our cloud providers list. But, for this we need to implement validation checks. For example: we need to check Instance Limit, DIsk Usage limit, but to check this prior to deployments we need APIs which will provide us these Quotas and Limits. I have visited the Linode's API Documentation, but did not find the API which will return these values to us.

Kindly help me in understanding the Quota and Limits and how to get these values from APIs present.

1 Reply

Linode does not provide those account details in any way at this time. That includes the API. If you would like to know your account's limits or want to increase the number of entities you can create, your best way to get that information is through a support ticket.

Additionally, the API supports the infrastructure around the Linodes. It does not interact with the internal usage or configurations set on the Linode itself. For a way to monitor disk usage, you would need to use either Longview, or a third-party option.

Finally - I wanted to mention that the lack of functionality regarding account information you listed has been passed along as feedback to our team. We use feedback like this while considering future improvements to our tooling and platform.


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