✓ Solved

How do I set up a mastodon server using linode?

I followed the instructions on the documentation post, but the result won't let me upload any media. It gives me error 500 at the client end and in the docker logs it's says it doesn't have permission to make a directory? Using the marketplace's mastodon thing. Thanks!

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

It gives me error 500 at the client end and in the docker logs it's says it doesn't have permission to make a directory?

The ownership and/or permissions of the directory where the directory is to be created are probably incorrect. This is where I would start investigating. If this is a website, make sure the owner/group are www-data/www-data. Permissions should probably be 0755 (-rwxr-xr-x).

I don't know anything about mastodon but HTTP 500 errors generally are the result of misconfiguration. Incorrect ownership/permissions certainly fall under that category.

-- sw

Interestingly enough, I fixed this by Changing Directory to /mastodon/live then running the command "sudo docker-compose run --user=root --rm web chown -R mastodon /opt/mastodon/public/" and that fixed it


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