wildcards on default host


I have a little question about the default hostname.

Every linode has one host name like: liXY-ZWJ.members.linode.com.

Is possible to use wildcards for subdomain like: dummy.liXY-ZWJ.members.linode.com ?

Obviously this mean that I've a nameserver runnig on my linode.

It's possible?

(sorry for my english…)


and sorry becouse I've write in a wrong forum…

3 Replies

Linode.com is giving you a hostname, not a subdomain, so you can't do that with xxx.members.linode.com. However, if you have your own DNS domain then you can do such a thing.

thanks for your answer.

I'll try to explain.

Before setup a dns on my server, I need to know if wildcard is set and redirect to my linode ip..

By default, there are no other names pointing to your linode other than the liXY-ZWJ.members.linode.com one.


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