Cerbot unable to locate

Good day. I’m trying to use cerbot to add an ssl to my website. Everytime I try to download certbot it gives me and error unable to locate cerbot. I tried
Sudo apt install certbot pyhton-cerbot-apache due to the fact I’m using Debian 11 with apache. I did the whole sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y thing prior to trying cerbot and it didn’t help. My repositories are up to date. I followed the Linode videos online. Please help. I have some experience with Linux and Linode.

3 Replies

I tried Sudo apt install certbot pyhton-cerbot-apache due to the fact I’m using Debian 11 with apache.

According to this:


You have to install snapd first. GAAAAAAACK! Another reason to swear off Linux…

However, there's nothing that prevents you from installing certbot without installing snapd…it's just that the distro vendors (and the certbot team) are too lazy to offer that as an alternative. See here.

I'd also explore alternatives to certbot:


-- sw

You have to install snapd first. GAAAAAAACK!

I installed Certbot with snapd on Ubuntu 20.04. It is the only app I've ever used snap for. The install went just fine as does Certbot so I see no reason to avoid it.

Another reason to swear off Linux…

What choice do we have? Linode does not support FreeBSD (or any BSD) and installing any non-Linode OS is a major PITA.

The only service I know that supports FreeBSD is Vultr https://www.vultr.com/servers/freebsd/

I've always liked FreeBSD although I've heard rumors that it is slowly 'fading away' in popular use, but Steve would have the inside scoop on that since he runs FreeBSD on Linode. He has the "tech-chops" to install and maintain it. I don't think I do.

I wrote:

However, there's nothing that prevents you from installing certbot without installing snapd…it's just that the distro vendors (and the certbot team) are too lazy to offer that as an alternative. See here.

Also, see here

The overwhelming majority of those responding in the first link I posted favor acme.sh. acme.sh is a straightforward shell script that's well documented. It's also considerably less-quirky than certbot…and a lot slimmer (you don't need to install python).

-- sw


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