fstab issues

Hi there, trying to do a total rebuild on my Debian 4.0 linode here, and having the strangest problem with the simplest thing…

I am trying to get my new install to see my disk images, that contain project files, docs, etc, but it won't pick them up after editing fstab and rebooting…

In my dashboard, all of my images are there, no problem. Under my configuration profile, in the Drive Setup section, all of my disk images are tied in with a /dev/ubd*. Here is my setup there…

/dev/ubda root - my boot image

/dev/ubdb swap

/dev/ubdc home

/dev/ubdd proj

/dev/udbe docs

/dev/ubdf backup

Now, in my /etc/fstab file, I have the following…

/dev/ubda / ext3 defaults 0 0

/dev/ubdb swap swap defaults 0 0

/dev/ubdc /home ext3 defaults 0 0

/dev/ubdd /proj ext3 defaults 0 0

/dev/udbe /docs ext3 defaults 0 0

/dev/ubdf /backup ext3 defaults 0 0

/proc /proc proc defaults 0 0

Any ideas? I did go ahead and rename the out of the box /home to /home_old, so that my disk image can be mounted in fstab as the new /home…

Any advice appreciated.


5 Replies

Did you make the blank directories as the mount points?

mkdir /home /proj /docs /backup

Unix needs the directory to already exist before it canbe used as a mount point.

Have you tried using /dev/ubd/X (where X is an integer)?


/dev/ubda == /dev/ubd/0
/dev/ubdb == /dev/ubd/1

I'm not sure how debian chooses device names, but the above change is something I've run into in the past with old versions of Gentoo.



Did you make the blank directories as the mount points?

mkdir /home /proj /docs /backup

Unix needs the directory to already exist before it canbe used as a mount point.

Thank you thank ou thank you… worked like a charm. How could I forget this?


I know you solved this, but in case you haven't noticed, there's a typo when you use /dev/udbe for docs - it should be /dev/ubde, I believe.

Thanks, yeah, that was a typo here, not in my fstab file.



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