How to create a sub domain

How do you create sub domains ?

Once you have a sub domain, how do you change which sub domain is active/live online?

1 Reply

Our Common DNS Configurations guide covers how to configure your sub-domain in detail, but to create a sub-domain, you'll need to head over to the Domain section in Cloud Manager. Afterwards, you'll click on the domain you want to create your sub-domain for.

From there, you'll need to create an A record with the subdomain's hostname by clicking Add An A A/AAAA Record. Then, add the subdomain under the Hostname field and assign the IP address of the server you're hosting your subdomain on.

Once you've created your new record, you'll need to wait for your record to propagate. Though local propagation may not take as long compared to global propagation which can vary from a few hours to 72 hours.

Once you have a sub domain, how do you change which sub domain is active/live online?

Your web server or mail server needs to be configured so that the subdomain will be used. What you're running will determine exactly how you do this. You can refer to our other community post that may assist with this.


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