Django app without port number

I want to connect a DNS record to my Django app, but I can only connect it to an ip address and not a port number. How can I make sure that you are redirected to the Django app if you browse to just the ip address without the port number?

1 Reply

What you've described is known as a reverse proxy, and you can set that up using a very slim and simple config file as described in the guide below:

In short, you would create a file /etc/nginx/conf.d/$NAME_OF_APP.conf with the following values:

server {
  listen 80;
  listen [::]:80;

  server_name $DOMAIN_NAME.TLD;

  location / {
      proxy_pass http://localhost:$APP_PORT_NUM/;

Swapping in your domain name for $DOMAIN_NAME.TLD and the port number your app uses for APP_PORT_NUM, respectively.

My colleague Tim's post covers much of the same basics, but goes much deeper into adding SSL/HTTPS encryption for your app:


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