Employee Emails & Blacklist removals

I need to set up a few of my team members with emails and learn how to can protect our emails and keep them from becoming spam as well as how to remove emails from spam and/or any blacklist sites. If anyone could be so kind enough to point me into the right direction I would really appreciate that, please…

Thank you,

1 Reply

Hey Mando! I've personally had success with SpamAssassin, though the following documentation offers a few additional spam and virus filter prevention services:


As for getting your IP removed from blocklists, just open a Support ticket and be sure to provide us with…

  • A full copy of the 500 bounce error
  • Confirmation that rDNS and a valid SPF record are both configured
  • The domain that is sending email

In most cases, we can submit a delisting request on your behalf. If we can't, we'll let you know and advise you on where to go from there.



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