What is the Domains section used for?

I don't understand the point of the Domains section on the dashboard. I tried creating a domain, which it appeared to do without any checking.

But no records I created can be resolved on the internet and the domain I created was registered long ago to someone else.

If Domains is not meant for creating internet DNS records, then what is it for?

3 Replies

Just to clarify, Linode is not a Domain Registrar so you will still need to purchase a domain before using Cloud Manager to handle your DNS records. You should purchase the domain through a third-party registrar such as GoDaddy, NameCheap, or Hover.

Once you have registered your domain through a registrar, you will need to set the domain nameservers to use the following Linode nameservers:

Since it sounds like your domain entry is not pointed towards our nameservers, the records you have created will not be served until you do so. Additionally, although DNS Manager is a free service, records will not serve unless you have a minimum of one Linode active on your account.

For registrar-specific instructions on how to do this, those guides are linked here. Be sure to check out our other documentation regarding DNS Manager and DNS records in general:

Thank you! That makes much more sense now. Does Linode support updating dynamic IP's A records via an API?

Thank you! That makes much more sense now. Does Linode support updating dynamic IP's A records via an API?

There is certainly an API endpoint that allows this:


However whether this is readily integrated into dynamic DNS tools, I'm not sure.

I'd suggest you use a low time-to-live on your dynamic records too so it isn't cached for very long at other resolvers.


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