Linode_instance_shared_ips Is Not Allowed In Terraform

I tried to add shared ip on my instance but got the following error. Creating…

Error: failed to update ips for linode 48144348: [405] Method Not Allowed with,
on line 15, in resource "linode_instance_shared_ips" "my-shared-ips":
15: resource "linode_instance_shared_ips" "my-shared-ips" {

here is my simple terraform code.
--- ---
resource "linode_instance" "my-instance" {
label = var.dmzhost.label
type = var.dmzhost.type
region = var.region
tags = var.dmzhost.tags
image = var.dmzhost.image
root_pass = random_string.password.result

resource "linode_instance_shared_ips" "my-shared-ips" {
linode_id =
addresses = ["172.232.XXX.XXX"]

--- ---
variable "token" {
type = string
default = "my token"

variable "region" {
default = "us-ord"

variable "dmzhost" {
default = {
label = "terraform-test1"
image = "linode/ubuntu22.04"
type = "g6-nanode-1"
tags = ["redis-ord-ha"]
swapsize = 512

resource "random_string" "password" {

length = 32
length = 11
special = true
upper = true
lower = true
numeric = true

172.232.XXX.XXX is assigned to my other instance. This is the second IP for that host.

My scenario is as follows:
node A: the first public IP and the second public IP
node B: the first public IP, and shared IP (node A's second public IP)

Let me know if you have any solution.

2 Replies

I've attempted to create a shared IP on my instance and ran into the same error you did:

│ Error: failed to update ips for linode 48288017: [405] Method Not Allowed
│   with linode_instance_shared_ips.share-primary,
│   on line 15, in resource "linode_instance_shared_ips" "share-primary":
│   15: resource "linode_instance_shared_ips" "share-primary" {

After looking over our API documentation, there was an error from the API when pointing at v4 rather than v4beta. I needed to modify my configuration with the api_version provider argument set to v4beta. I had my provider {} block defined and just needed to add api_version = "v4beta" as an argument to it.

My syntax was still incomplete even after entering this information. My primary and secondary nodes were created, but it did not boot because it did not have a configuration file. I've noticed that the Terraform Shared IP guide did not provide the necessary information on how to make a request to Linode, or provide an image or a root_password in the syntax, so I had to manually enter this as well:

>terraform {
  required_providers {
    linode = {
      source = "linode/linode"
      version = "2.5.2"
provider "linode" {
  api_version = "v4beta"
  token = "<your-api-token>"
# Share the IP with the secondary node
resource "linode_instance_shared_ips" "share-primary" {
  linode_id =
  addresses = [linode_instance_ip.primary.address]
# Allocate an IP under the primary node
resource "linode_instance_ip" "primary" {
  linode_id =
# Create a single primary node
resource "linode_instance" "primary" {
  image = "linode/ubuntu18.04"
  label = "node-primary"
  type = "g6-nanode-1"
  region = "us-ord"
  root_pass = "<complicated-secret-password>"
# Create a secondary node
resource "linode_instance" "secondary" {
  image = "linode/ubuntu18.04"
  label = "node-secondary"
  type = "g6-nanode-1"
  region = "us-ord"
  root_pass = "<complicated-secret-password>"

Even after all that troubleshooting I ran into into this error because of my previous Terraform plan that was created:

│ Error: failed to get instance (48289346) ip: [404] Not found
│   with linode_instance_ip.primary,
│   on line 22, in resource "linode_instance_ip" "primary":
│   22: resource "linode_instance_ip" "primary" {

I then ran terraform state list to list all the resources in the state file matching the given addresses. I then used terraform state rm to remove the binding to my existing object which made Terraform "forget" the object while it continues to exist in my system:

root@localhost:~/terraform# terraform state list
root@localhost:~/terraform# terraform state rm linode_instance.primary
Removed linode_instance.primary
Successfully removed 1 resource instance(s).

Afterwards, I was able to successfully create two nodes that shared an IP.

Wow! Thank you. Yes, I used v4beta in Linode API successfully but have not specified any "beta" word in Terraform. Once I created a new instance, then the following code worked. I just changed two lines.

resource "linode_instance" "my-instance" {
        label = var.dmzhost.label
        type = var.dmzhost.type
        region = var.region
        tags = var.dmzhost.tags
        image = var.dmzhost.image
        root_pass = random_string.password.result
        shared_ipv4 = ["XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"] ### Added

shared_ipv4 is an IP that another instance has as an additional IP address. Then, I added api_version.

provider "linode" {
        token = "${var.token}"
        api_version = "v4beta"  ### Added

The above terraform creates/modifies a node B config in the following case:
node A: the first public IP and the second public IP
node B: the first public IP, and shared IP (node A's second public IP)

Thank you so much for your analysis and support.


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