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How can I calculate the amount of data I can expect to use if I start using my Linode server to store videos

Hello Linode world community.

My name is Daniel. I'm a newbie at this so forgive the lenght of my question.

Here it is: I asked at Linode tech support the question above mentionned in my title and they did not give me an answer that I fully understand. Here is what I asked and their answer

This is more of a data storage question and a budgeting one too.
Hello Akamai Support. My name is Daniel and I am a greatfull client of yours. I'm also dyslexic and unable to even type one cmd line on my server AND my sys admin is asking me a ton load of money I don't have to performe maintenance, money that I don't have at the moment.
Preambule: I'm want to store videos I'm making so that I will 'sell them via stripe' (that I know how to do ;-) The problem is space. I wonder how can I verify what my storage space is up to if I want to determinate how much space is left on my Linode account so that I don't incur additional costs for data storage. I realize tough that if someone watches one of my video, the bandwith will start to rocket high up then AND that is also something I need to calculate.
For example, I just placed a test/demo .mp4 file to be able to determinate how much space 11MG ( think that is what this files amount too. On my CPanel, I get this file size: 11 thousand something (328, 520,528) for this transfer I just did:
The file is located at this place: /html/extlinks/ftp/video/py/16dec2012InvitationDuSudDeLaFrance.mp4 It is less than 3 minutes long. I placed the said video 'test' in attachement as well just in case you need to verify its size, integrity, etc)
The average lenght of the videos I want to place on this server last about one hour time and I would like to place, let's say ten and later on, ten more. Total: About 50 and total duration 75 hours
Therefore, the questions are:
a) Where can I find the storage amount left on my Linode so that I can compare it to before I placed this test file b) How can I determine the treshold if someone plays the videos one to three times each video in incremental. Meaning that If I think that a user watches the first video once before he goes to the next one, we can suppose the videos each video will be watched 75 times.
I'm constructiong a budget and need to know how much can I expect to pay (average, bulk park as the scenario I described here above is a probability, not a fact) more per year?
Can you help me on this please?

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Hello Daniel,
Our team should be able to give you some advice and resources that should be helpful for your questions, but I first wanted to explain some more about what our support team can and cannot see with respect to customer services.
As an unmanaged infrastructure provider, our team doesn’t have access into customer Compute Instances, so we are very limited when it comes to directly assisting with or advising on specific system administration tasks. We are always happy to share the insights where we can, such as the total disk space allocated by your Linode's current plan size (80 GB), but we wouldn't be able to say for certain how much of that space your system is currently utilizing, for example.

You mentioned that you are unable to work from the command line to inspect your Linode, so it sounds like you might be doing most work through the CPanel. Typically, I always review disk space on my own Linodes by using the Lish Console to log directly into the instance, and run the df -h command to get a print out my disk usage. I know you said you don't get along well with that type of interface, but I still wanted to share the resource in case you wanted to give it a shot at some point. We have some great videos that you might like better than our written documentation as well:
• Top Docs Video - How to Check Disk Usage in Linux | Akamai
The Cloud Manager does not have an graphical measurement for disk usage because it measures those statistics from the outside of your Linode at the level of of the physical host machine, which it cannot do for something like disk space. I did some research to see if there were other ways you might be able to measure disk usage via user interface, and it seems that it could be possible through CPanel. I don't have any first-hand experience using CPanel for that purpose, but their documentation suggest you should be able to get that information and you should be able to also set alerts for low disk space:
• Disk Usage | cPanel & WHM Documentation
o Please note that it may require some additional configuration changes within your server profile to enable that feature. CPanel support or their forum might have more insight into what is require to enable that feature.
• Can i get warned when my server disk space is low? | cPanel Forums
You also mentioned being concerned about incurring unforeseen additional charges because of data storage, and I wanted to reassure you that is not a possibility. Linode Compute Instances, or more specifically their disks, do not automatically increase in size if more storage space is needed. You would need to increase your plan size or explore the option of attaching, mounting, and configuring a block storage volume if you find yourself in need of additional storage space.

The file is located at this place: /html/extlinks/ftp/video/py/16dec2012InvitationDuSudDeLaFrance.mp4 It is less than 3 minutes long. I placed the said video 'test' in attachement as well just in case you need to verify its size, integrity, etc)
If you tried to upload that video to this ticket, it doesn't appear to have made it into the system. I'm not sure if the ticketing platform can accept files of that size or format, as its usually reserved for pictures or text files. Our team may not be able to directly help if you meant for us to verify the file's size once uploaded onto your Linode or CPanel interface.
Your other concern seems to be centered around Network Transfer Usage and Costs. Most plans have much more than enough monthly network transfer to account for common use cases. Any additional transfer usage that exceeds this monthly allotment costs $0.005/GB (which comes to $5/TB) and is charged at the end of the billing period. However, you can monitor your usage from the Cloud Manager interface throughout the month to get an idea of how much metered traffic you've gone through so far, and base your estimated costs on that usage. There's more examples of network usage in the post below:
• How does the monthly network transfer pool work? | Linode Questions
That said, it could be very difficult for our to accurately estimate the cost of possible network transfer overages because there a lot of variables that could go into such a calculation. Each Linode plan comes with a network transfer quota, which represents the total monthly amount of traffic your services can use. Every plan includes a specified amount of transfer, which is listed on our pricing page as Terabytes (TB) under the Transfer column. Your current plan is allotted 4TB ( 4000GB), and because any given 60 minute of video file could varying widely in size depending on its makeup, estimating your network traffic based on that measure could potentially be very inaccurate.
I hope I some of this information helps you to get started, but please feel free to reach back out if you have any further questions or concerns that you would like to share with our team. While are limited when it comes to advising you on how to manage your workload or system, we are glad to offer direction and insight whenever possible.


With your experience, do you think you can guesstimate numbers here?

I'm preparing an annual budget. We are a non profit and I'm their technical advisor with no sh experience whatsoever

Tks ahead of time if you can help and/or tks anyway for having taken the time to read my long question.


2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

I think I can maybe help with some of this. First, there are calculators online that you can use to figure out how big a file will be based on the length, format, and settings of the video. This should allow you to figure out a ballpark for how much space you can expect the videos to take up.

You may want to look around and try a few out, but I like this one here because it has an option to choose either the device or the format:

I can't speak to its accuracy, so you may want compare it with a current video size to see if it seems right. You may also need to do some additional research to find out some of the information needed for some of these calculators, including the bitrate.

Next, once you have an idea of how much space you'll need, I'd recommend looking into Object Storage as an alternative. The reason I suggest this is that it's a great option for serving web content and you can see the size of each file you upload from the Cloud Manager's GUI which allows you to avoid the command line. Or you can use a 3rd party GUI like Cyberduck, which is really user-friendly once it's configured.

Object Storage can take a bit of work to get set up and to get used to, but we have a lot of great guides and videos to help you get started.

You can read more about the pricing here, but it sounds like this service might address some of your concerns if ends up being compatible with your setup. It may take some work to add it to your site and figure out how to make it so only people who buy the videos can see them, but I'm pretty sure it can be done after reading this forum.

Thank you for your answer. This is, by far the most significant answer I read. Thank you.


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