ubuntu lamp

does anyone have experience or knowledge of installing ubuntu - and whether it includes an option to install apache, php mysql, etc from within the ubuntu distribution. like, i'm a noobie, and i doubt i would be able to configure and maintain everything without some easy way to do it.

thanks for sharing any thoughts.

6 Replies

apt-get update <– pulls in the latest list of packages from the remote repo

apt-get upgrade <-- upgrades all installed packages to their most current version

apt-cache search <-- keyword searches the repo for package names

apt-get install <-- installs package

For example:

apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 <-- to install AMP


thnx chris. that looks ez.

i will get in trouble tryiing it though, watch me….

linode jsut looks too durn good - i gotta attempt it.

The great thing about Linode is how easy it is to experiment. Try some stuff, break it, start all over again until you like what you see. In fact, it's only $20/month to have a completely experimental node on which you can try stuff before rolling it out to your production node. That can really help you get started, even if you don't need it long-term.

Just keep good notes on the commands you used!


looks like a good start.


many months have passed since first posting this - and i have just begun with linode. so far its absolutely great. have set up LEMP on a node, had to try nginx. also just bought another node to try citadel and got it all running nicely. thanks to all for their suggestions. irc folks are very helpful. there really is a lot of great documentation in Community>Linode Library - and the proverbial plethora of advice throughout the web. much old advice seems outmoded by the nginx installer. very simple.

Linode Library Guide on installing Ubuntu 8.04 LTS…

http://library.linode.com/lamp-guides/u … .04-hardy/">http://library.linode.com/lamp-guides/ubuntu-8.04-hardy/


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