✓ Solved


I am attempting to access the server with the following details:

Server IP Address:
Port: 10000
When trying to connect to the server at " " through a web browser (Google Chrome), I receive an error message indicating that the connection cannot be established.

Steps Taken So Far:

  • I have checked my local firewall settings and temporarily disabled all security software to ensure they are not causing the issue.

  • I have performed a network trace using the tracert command, which did not reveal any network issues on my end.

  • I also ran a connectivity test using PowerShell, and the error message received indicates that the server actively refuses the connection.

Additional Information:

The server is supposed to be accessible on port 10000, and I have used the correct IP address.

I have confirmed that the server is up and running, and the service on port 10000 is operational.

I am unsure if there are any firewall rules or access controls on the server that might be affecting my ability to connect.

If there are specific steps I need to take on my end to access the server successfully, please provide guidance.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue.

3 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Thanks for providing your IP address and the port you're looking to troubleshoot. It helps to know those specifics to provide better help.

Right now, it looks like the service you're trying to run on port 10000 is either not running or not configured for external access. I say this based on the results of an nmap scan of your Linode's IP focused on port 10000:

$ nmap -sV -p 10000 --reason
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-10-05 16:19 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up, received conn-refused (0.067s latency).

10000/tcp closed snet-sensor-mgmt conn-refused

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 13.45 seconds

This would be different than a firewall. As the nmap scanning tool's documentation states for a closed port:

A closed port is accessible (it receives and responds to Nmap probe packets), but there is no application listening on it. They can help show that a host is up on an IP address (host discovery, or ping scanning), and as part of OS detection. Because closed ports are reachable, it may be worth scanning later in case some open up. Administrators may want to consider blocking such ports with a firewall. Then they would appear in the filtered state

To confirm this from your Linode, you can use Lish (Linode Console) to connect to it and then use the ss command to run the following:

ss -plunt

This will show you which ports are in use and by which service. If you see port 10000 open, but the only address is a local/private IP address, you'll understand why an outside connection is unable to reach it.

Opening up that port usually depends on a configuration file for the service you're trying to reach. For that, I recommend reviewing the service's documentation.

Thank you very much for reply

I used this command

I got this result, what does that mean? What can I do to solve the problem based on this data?


I found this resource on how to interpret the SS Command in Linux.

Based on the screenshot you shared with us and my interpretation of that resource, the only ports that have services listening for connections are on ports 53 and 22. If there was a service listening for connections through port 10000, then there would be a row indicating $IPADDRESS:10000 in your ss -plunt output under "Local Address:Port".

What that tells me is that there does not seem to be a service listening for connections at port 10000. I'd suggest checking that the service is running and that your configurations for the service are set up to listen for connections on port 10000.


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