How do I solve an ssl error I'm getting with nextcloud and both my RDNS from linode and my subdomain I set up?

Happy Monday to everyone. I set up my next cloud instance via the marketplace. All went well except when I go to my dashboard, I get an SSL error even after entering https. I tried this with Firefox and chrome. I'm on a shared VPS at least for now. Also
when I set up my subdomain that also broke for whatever reason. Do I need to delete and start over again this will be my fourth
go around, and I don't want to do this again.
I should not I have my subdomain set up via Gandi via an A record, that worked last night and is not now. I'm using the reverse dns to access my own cloud instance for now, that is what broke with the ssl error, and I did put https. This is after deploying from the marketplace by the way. Did something not propagate correctly?

Thanks so much. Btw I'm still a bit of a newbie, I have not done this stuff since 2018, so I am a bit rusty. The error is
This site can’t provide a secure connection [linode RDNS] sent an invalid response. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

4 Replies

Did you follow along with all the steps (including the domain configuration portion) listed in the NextCloud One-click Application page here?

If you need to use your Linode's rDNS address, you can find that information here:

It is worth mentioning that DNS propagation can take up to 48 hours across the web due to DNS cacheing, so keep that in mind when attempting to troubleshooting any DNS-related issues.

There is also a really really great Linode Community Post from a couple years ago that walks you through how to configure NextCloud DNS here:

Hope that helps!


so I tried the RDNS and that broke as of yesterday. this was from the RDNS via the linode. I switched the URL to https and got the following screenshot that should not in theory happen, right?

As per the Nextcloud Marketplace page, under 'Getting started after deployment', the first step is mentioned as:

Open a browser window and navigate to the NextCloud instance’s domain using port 8443. For example, enter into the browser, replacing with the value of your own domain. If you did not install the App with a domain name, you can use the Linode’s RDNS domain (such as

This states that the Nextcloud app is connecting through port 8443 and none else. I noticed that the URL in your screenshot doesn't specify the port 8443. May be your computer is trying to connect to port 443 and you are unable to go through. You could recheck by connecting to port 8443.

No, this is after the initial setup. I have the admin username and password I need to connect. I was able to connect using 8443. I got through the setup. I clicked "open nextcloud" and that'sw when things broke. the page never responded so then I tried the RDNS address and got the SSL error I'm trying to fix.
thanks and happy thursday.


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