I can't access to my linode, the website is down, lish console doesn´t work

Hello i've been trying to get access to my linode and I can´t:
no ssh, no lish console. When the lish console asks for username I type it in and immediatly sends a "login incorrect" error, it never prompts for my password.

The linode support guy keeps insisting I type the password, but there's no password prompt.

Any ideas on how to access my linode other than ssh, or lish console?


1 Reply

It's difficult to say what the problem is with the information here, but I wanted to provide a few links that could be helpful.

First, booting into Rescue Mode and changing root so that you can run commands as if you are logged into you server may be helpful.

Next, this Community site post shares some possible troubleshooting steps like clearing your cache.

Finally, if you're seeing UFW output being printed to the screen, that can sometimes interfere with what you're seeing on the LISH Console, potentially to the point that its obscuring the password prompt. You can read more about that in this post.

I've seen instances where customers just put their password in even though they can't see the prompt and it works, but the Rescue/chroot guidance above should help you get some access if that doesn't work for you.


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