Account got deleted but still charge bill

My account was deleted but i still see you charge my card $24.5

1 Reply

An invoice and payment after closing an account is not uncommon. It sounds like you had active services on your account between the last invoice and when you canceled your account. Our Understanding How Billing Works on the Linode Platform guide explains how we invoice for services after we provided them.

That is most likely why you received another invoice. To confirm this, you will need to reach out to Support directly, since we cannot discuss account specifics in a community forum like this. Support can be reached by email at or by phone at 855-4-LINODE (855-454-6633), or Intl.: +1 609-380-7100. You will need to have either the last 6 digits of your credit card if your account used a card, or access to the SMS device that was used on your account to authenticate to your closed account. If your account used PayPal or Google Pay as a payment method, you'll need to call.


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