Object storage up to 200TB

I want to increase object storage capacity to 200TB for the Singapore region.
Can you help me.

1 Reply

For any change to an account limit, you'll need to open a support ticket with your request. Account changes cannot accomplished via a community forum like this. That said, I wanted to share the questions we will want answers to for a request like this. Providing these answers in your initial ticket update will help reduce additional ticket updates to review your request.

Here are the questions you'll need to have answers for:

  • What is your use case? Specificity is encouraged, though not necessarily required.
  • How much additional space do you need now? You've mentioned 200TB in this post. Including that up front helps with reviewing the request.
  • Do you expect to need more in the future?
    Even though your request is for a space increase, we will also want to know the expected total object count. Total object count is another limit, so knowing this information lets us perform a more holistic review of your request.
  • Which data center(s) you plan to use? When deciding on which data center you plan on using, please keep in mind the technical specifications and considerations we have, which include some data center-specific limitations.


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