Problem with resolving domain

I have set up through the marketplace and used the Nginx to reverse proxy to my own domain. It's been nearly a week at this point, when I navigate to my domain the Nginx notification loads, but not peppermint, and if I navigate to the original rDNS I'm taken to the peppermint admin console that should be loading on my domain. Any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

1 Reply

If you didn't add your domain during the setup process, then Nginx is configured to serve the Peppermint app to This includes not only the domain but also the SSL certs.

The easiest thing to do in this situation would probably be to delete your instance and redeploy it using the Custom Domain options in the Marketplace. This will configure the application to work with your domain from the time of deployment and likely cause less need for manual reconfiguration down the line.

Two caveats with this I'd like to mention:

  1. If you've already made a significant amount of changes to your current instance this may be a bit of a hassle. You'll need to decide if spinning up a new Peppermint instance and transferring your data over will be your best course of action, or if completely reconfiguring your Nginx config files to be compatible with your personal domain would be easier.
  2. You need to ensure your custom domain is hosted on Linode's name servers if you re-deploy your Peppermint instance to add your custom domain.

It's worth noting that DNS changes shouldn't take more than 72 hours to fully propagate around the globe and in most instances, it occurs in about 10-15 minutes. You can always double check using a tool like this DNS Checker.


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