NAT Gateway and VPC

Linode Staff

I'd like to have a NAT Gateway within my VPC to steer the traffic from other Linode without having to assign them public IP.

I have automated all of it, setup is very simple:
1 x VPC
1 x Subnet
1 x Linode as NAT Gateway, eth0 is internet, eth1 in VPC without 1:1 NAT, static IP
1 x Linode as simple host in the same subnet, 1 network interface on VPC, 1:1 NAT disabled, IP, with network helper disabled

On the gateway, I simply used: (iptables Masquerading section)

On the host box:

root@hostinvpc:~# ip route s
default via dev eth0 proto static dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
root@hostinvpc:~# ip route get via dev eth0 src uid 0
root@hostinvpc:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 7154ms

Both Linode can full talk with each other (icmp, ssh). However, when I ping on the host while running a TCPdump on I see no incoming packet at all.

Is there anything special in the VPC that would prevent the NAT Gateway host to receive the packet from the other host?


1 Reply

Linode Staff

In upcoming versions of VPC, we intend to incorporate NAT Gateway as a feature; However, we don't have a specific timeline yet. For now, your configuration appears robust, but the missing component is encapsulation. This can be accomplished through a VPN solution that supports bidirectional traffic (Inbound and Outbound).

Unlike VLANs, VPC strictly enforces the source IP addresses that Linode can transmit. Therefore, without encapsulating traffic in a tunnel, forwarding traffic from one Linode to another within a VPC is not straightforward. Consequently, establishing a NAT gateway where you simply change your route or default gateway is not possible without encapsulation.

Using WireGuard, our VPC team has drafted a set of instructions for creating a manual NAT Gateway setup.

Why WireGuard?
WireGuard authenticates peers using a public-private key pair. This enables the pre-generation of as many key pairs as needed and populate them in the NAT gateway Linode. New client Linodes can then be created using these pre-generated keys to tunnel traffic to the NAT gateway Linode without requiring any modifications. This is a scalable solution till the NAT Gateway feature is implemented.

While WireGuard is often considered faster than other similar VPN solutions, its performance can still vary depending on your specific use case. If you're looking for the most optimal setup, you're welcome to explore the report below, which compares the performance of various VPNs in a 1 Gbit/s environment.

-- Koffi


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