Open request for testing help.

Hi all :). I'm a newly returning long-time Linode customer looking for a bit of help with debugging a new application. I've set up a new Debian linode for the site, which serves up puzzle generators for inclusion in websites. It's a Linode 360, which is more powerful than the last linode I set up for a client two years ago, but I'd like some real-world stats on performance issues that may crop up.

Anyhow, if anyone would like to hammer on it, the app is at The site's in beta right now, and I'm active duty in the Navy :). I'm hoping to build it up over the next three months or so and turn it over to a couple of friends to run when I'm deployed.

Thanks in advance for the metrics and to anyone who can offer me feedback on the app. If anyone needs some help with Perl coding or any Debian-based tasks, please feel free to ask for my help.

2 Replies

would be good if you could preview what the puzzle looks like without having to paste the code into your site



> would be good if you could preview what the puzzle looks like without having to paste the code into your site
I'm not sure I follow you. Do you preview as in "see my site with the generator included" or preview as in "see how the generator will look before inserting it into my site"? The second option is how the home page works now; clicking the "Preview" button below the settings area shows the updated generator.

Thanks for the feedback :) !


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