Postfix and hostname


I've a domain and I'm "out-sourcing" the email of this account to Google Apps for your Domain. Meaning that the MX records of point to Google.,,… all login to google apps to view and manage their mail.

I've a linode with Ubuntu 8.04 and after install the hostname was "ubuntu" and the beginning of /etc/hosts file was:       localhost       ubuntu  ubuntu.linlan

Then I installed Postfix and in the Postfix configuration I set as my destination (because I want my linde to be called node-n). I didn't changed hostname.

Then I tested the instalation with the command sendmail. It sent OK and I checked the header of the sent message:

Received: from ubuntu.linlan ( [])
        by with ESMTP id 6si13606729ywp.3.2008.;
        Mon, 05 May 2008 10:08:11 -0700 (PDT)

I disliked the "Received: from ubuntu.linlan" because I want it to be node-n or

So I edited /etc/hostname changing it to node-n and /etc/host changing it to:       localhost       node-n  node-n

The problem is… the header keeps ubuntu.linlan as hostname/localdomain. Can I get ride of that?

Thanks for your help.

7 Replies

Postfix will need to be restarted after changing the host name for it to see the new name.


Ubuntu puts the hostname used by Postfix in /etc/mailname, IIRC.

You can see what postfix thinks it is with "postconf myhostname" and "postconf myorigin". (I don't have the standard Ubuntu postfix setup on even my Ubuntu machines so I can't remember which of those two points to the other.)

Hi Mike, thanks for your attention but it didn't work! :(

First I change my /etc/hosts to     localhost     node-n

Then I issued:

sudo /etc/init.d/postfix reload
sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart

But no success! The Received: from ubuntu.linlan keeps appearing! I even tried to reboot my server… no luck.

Perhaps this is a setting from Linode and has nothing to do with my machine. :(

/etc/mailname :)


Ubuntu puts the hostname used by Postfix in /etc/mailname, IIRC.

You can see what postfix thinks it is with "postconf myhostname" and "postconf myorigin". (I don't have the standard Ubuntu postfix setup on even my Ubuntu machines so I can't remember which of those two points to the other.)

Yes Mendel… it worked!! Thanks!

I issued "postconf" myhostname and it returned "ubuntu.linlan"… so something was wrong.

Then I edited /etc/postfix/, the variable myhostname was there. I replaced "ubuntu.linlan" by "", and I restarted postfix.

Now it works like a charm! :)


/etc/mailname :)

/etc/mailname was right. The problem was in /etc/postfix/ because I installed Postfix prior to the hostname/hosts change and the variable is not redefined.

I love UNIX but sometimes… ggg! ;)


I love UNIX but sometimes… ggg! ;)

Well, this time you can blame Debian specifically. Postfix as distributed defaults to the machine's hostname for myhostname and myorigin.


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