Reverse DNS

What should I do to have linode reverse-DNS my IP to my domain name (instead of

12 Replies

Change it in the settings.

Ups, I am blind. Went through all the top-level tabs, missed those below…

I did this myself over an hour ago, and it still hasn't taken effect. I thought it was supposed to be effective after 15 minutes. Doing a tracert of itself directly from the linode box (a 1 hop trace, in other words), reveals the rDNS has not updated.

Why isn't this working?

rDNS changes take time to propogate, just like regular DNS. Give it 24-48 hours, and it should be working as you would expect.

A traceroute on the box itself is probably doing lookups from your local DNS

cache (if you have one), or from some other server that hasn't updated yet, as Dave mentioned. You can test the Linode DNS server directly with dig; for example:

dig -x

Waiting for the net to catch up with configuration changes is annoying at best. Reminds me of the old B.C. cartoons where the guy throws a writing tablet in the water and waits overnight for a response.

You young people have no idea. Back in my day, it did take days to get an email response from many places…but did we complain? Well, yes, but it didn't help. Now, get off my lawn.


Change it in the settings.

Looks like the link doesn't work now. I checked it a few day ago thinking I would do this later. Now when I got around to it the link seems broken

Login to the linode manager first, then click the link.


Login to the linode manager first, then click the link.

I was logged in. Anyway I logged in again and no luck. I still only get the standard Linode manager page.

First, click here:

Login, if you aren't already.

Then, click your linode account link on this page:

When your disk image/configurations page opens, click here:

Finally, click here:

BTW, I set my rDNS to my IP and after waiting for propagation, it had the intended effect of alleviating my email receiving problems from hotmail and yahoo accounts. No more bounces! :D


First, click here:

Login, if you aren't already.

Then, click your linode account link on this page:

When your disk image/configurations page opens, click here:

Finally, click here:

BTW, I set my rDNS to my IP and after waiting for propagation, it had the intended effect of alleviating my email receiving problems from hotmail and yahoo accounts. No more bounces! :D

Worked. Thanks for your patience. Not sure how I missed it, but again thanks


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