Java development on a Linode 540MB

Hello fellow linode users,

I got a linode 540MB (running ubuntu). Could someone point me to a step by step tutorial (from scratch) on how to run servlets on the linode?

Currently running ubuntu, but I will install a different distro if necessary.

Thanks in advance.

PS. Yes, I used the phpbb search function and googled java etc.

4 Replies

I use Debian.

My Linode is working with squid proxy as frontend.

I installed Tomcat 6.0 with java 1.6.

If you would like to install similar system, google world wide with keywords:

"debian tomcat apache"

"debian java"


I installed my system without packages (longer way).

You can install it with e.g.:

apt-get install tomcat

apt-get install apache

Sorry my bad English.

I use Debian.

My Linode is working with squid proxy as frontend.

I installed Tomcat 6.0 with java 1.6.

If you would like to install similar system, google world wide with keywords:

"debian tomcat apache"

"debian java"


I installed my system without packages (longer way).

You can install it with e.g.:

apt-get install tomcat

apt-get install apache


Hello fellow linode users,

I got a linode 540MB (running ubuntu). Could someone point me to a step by step tutorial (from scratch) on how to run servlets on the linode?

Currently running ubuntu, but I will install a different distro if necessary.

Thanks in advance.

PS. Yes, I used the phpbb search function and googled java etc.
I'm running CentOS+Tomcat+MySQL+Struts+Java, I wget zips from apache, mysql sites and upload artifcats from my laptop works like a is a basic news site

I had some minor difficulty with the default Ubuntu Java and Eclipse, switching to Sun Java cleared it up just fine. If you also have trouble, execute one of the following:

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk - For the JDK (Developer)

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre - For the JRE (User)



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