Jungledisk install

OK, so I am trying to install jungledisk.

I need to load the fuse module. When I run the required command, I get the following error:

root@ubuntu:/# modprobe fuse

FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory

I don't have a lot of knowledge of linux admin, so I am just trying to figure out what I can do.



8 Replies

Fuse is already compiled into the kernel. You can verify this by running: "zgrep FUSE /proc/config.gz". Therefore, no module loading is necessary.


And to fix your FATAL error:

http://www.linode.com/forums/viewtopic. … 4417#14417">http://www.linode.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=14417#14417

I don't know if i'd install jungledisk on a vps…there are better ways to do backups…


I don't know if i'd install jungledisk on a vps…there are better ways to do backups…
Who said he was doing a backup?

What would you suggest Ross?

I'm having fun more than anything else :) experimenting….


What would you suggest Ross?

simple ftp/rsync/etc. or you can use CDP from r1soft which will allow you to backup your vps continiously:



Just my suggestion…

duplicity is able to backup directly to S3 IIRC. Not tried it, though.


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