Cannot get applications to bind to address?

Distribution: Gentoo

I've been trying to get various services to bind to an address. Particularly, CGI-IRC. Though I also tried IRSSI. Neither seem to work.

Both of my linode addresses function properly. I can have services listen on either one and can get to them without a problem. (Tested with netcat).

The thing is, when I'm making outgoing connections(Cgi-IRC/IRSSI) it will only use whatever was configured as the default gateway. Every Time.

It doesn't matter which Default Gateway is configured, it will always use that one. I can set the GW to the other and it will go out over that.

Any ideas?

2 Replies

For CGI-IRC, did you set the vhost value in cgiirc.config to the IP you want to use?

Yep. Tried it both ways.

I tried setting it up with both IPs. It didn't actually change until I changed the default gateway on the machine it self.


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