Comcast Maryland Regional Issue

Just throwing this out there if anyone is in the region and having some trouble getting to their linode.

I'm unable to reach my 2nd IP on my linode in a stable fashion. I run SSH on the IP. I can SSH fine to the box from other hosts, and hosts.deny/allow are configured to let my home machine through.

Also having difficulty reaching MSN messenger service (which is located on the other side of the country, not locally nor near my linode).

It's kind of intermittent. A call to Comcast says they've been seeing this trouble since last evening and currently really don't know what's going on.

2 Replies

Comcast …. eck ……

Good luck attempting Comcast to figure out what is going on.

I much prefer having a good DSL provider.

This might be what you are experiencing… … some-sites">


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