how to setup ftp

I'm trying to setup ftp and I think I got it right but I'm unable to

access through filezilla and I'm not sure if it worked or not I'm using vsftp and it is started butI don't know what I'm doing wrong does anyone have a guide or anything.

12 Replies

Noooo. FTP is cleartext. If you use it then your usernames and passwords will be snooped and people will own your box!

Just setup SSH, then use SCP to upload files.

I have FTP setup, but It has TLS/SSL setup (FSP over SSL) when it will not prompt you for login unless the connection is encrypted, but I alos have it running normally on localhost so I can FTP over SSH.

It all depends on your OS and the FTP server you are using. You also need to open a hole in your firewall. Post your OS and FTP server (Ubuntu/ProFTP for example). Also just google your FTP server to see how others set it up.

I'm using centos and vsftp. I'm in the process of setting up scp but how do I assign a directory to a domain name though. I can't figure that out.

That would be under Virtual Hosting, if you hosting more than one domain from a server.

Nevermind I figured it out just how do I install phpmyadmin because I can't figure that out.

Are you sure you aren't confusing FTP/SCP with Virtual Hosting?

FTP/SCP = how to transfer files from your home computer to the server = use something like vsftpd (for FTP) or openssh (for SCP).

Virtual Hosting = how to make the files on your server visible through the web browser = use something like Apache.

FTP/SCP doesn't care about domain names. All it cares about is the IP address of the server. You can make vsftpd restrict users to their respective home directories (e.g. /home/username) by uncommenting the line that says "DefaultRoot ~" in the configuration file; but this still has nothing to do with domain names.

Do you have a web server (e.g. Apache) installed? … STS/README">

> This example shows how you might set up virtual hosts. Virtual hosting is where different clients access your machine on different IP addresses (virtual IPs) and get redirected to different ftp sites.

I figured everything out except how to get phpmyadmin installed.


I figured everything out except how to get phpmyadmin installed.

Well, you didn't really give any details about your system or your setup.

apt-get install phpmyadmin?

yum install phpmyadmin?

Go to and download the tarball?

phpmyadmin is not listed in yum.


phpmyadmin is not listed in yum.

So what operating system is it? … phpMyAdmin">


So what operating system is it?

Centos methinks, from post the third :)

More rpm's here, but honestly it'd be just as simple to extract the .tgz from to somewhere on your webserver, and point a virtualhost directive at it.

I finished it. thanks everyone for what you did.


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