Yet Another Satisfied Customer

Well I've had my Linode for about 5 months now. I've been slowly testing and tweaking to see if I could in fact move everything from my dedicated server to a VPS.

With the help of one of the best communities, I've done it. I've managed to run what took a dedicated server with over 1GB of RAM on a Linode 360 with resources to spare. :D

-1 Drupal site, 2 Gallery sites, a few PHP sites, and some "parked" domains. ~170,000 hits per month altogether. Virtualmin for management.

The performance is excellent. The support is there when you need them. The community (forums, IRC, wiki) are all great.

FWIW, here's the benchmarks on WHT I ran for my dedicated server and myLinode 360. You can see how bad my dedicated server was running. Pretty sure it was powered by hamsters…

3 Replies


You can see how bad my dedicated server was running. Pretty sure it was powered by hamsters…

If the dedicated server had a 80286 processor, that's not bad at all.




You can see how bad my dedicated server was running. Pretty sure it was powered by hamsters…

If the dedicated server had a 80286 processor, that's not bad at all.

It was a 386. :lol: The actual specs were Celeron 2.6 w/ 1GB RAM 120GB SATA HD. All that for more than double what I pay now. :roll:

Just thought I'd another "plus" to this.

I just upgraded from a 360 to a 540 in less than 30 minutes. That includes opening the ticket, starting the migration, and booting. :D


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