Transfer limited?

I have a web server ( - Linode 360).

The traffic is: 50-100 000 requests / day.

The avarage is: 48 Kbit/s

I'm use 5% of monthly transfer limit.

Yesterday I would like to download, some backup data. But every time the connection was dropped (e.g. 3MByte of data transfer).

I see the followings:

My max download speed was: 256-300 KByte /s

On linode dasboard: The max. transfer rate was: 182 Kb/s

Can any people can suggest some settings, to improve network performance?

Or upgrade to next level solve this problem?

8 Replies

Not sure that it's a limitation on Linode's side. I think they just raised the outbound limit from 30MBps to 50MBps. I have transferred large files at > 256-300Kbps.

I have transferred files out at over 2.5 Meg/Sec.

I also have similiar results with eld101. With segmented downloads I can easily go up to 2.5 MB/s.

Indeeed, depending on the protocol, I can get upto 3 MB/s

I can pretty much max out my FIOS 20mbit/s download speed, serving data from my linode (serving a 50Mbyte file from a http session peaks and holds consistent at around 18.72bit/s)


(serving a 50Mbyte file from a http session peaks and holds consistent at around 18.72bit/s)

18.72 bits per second is on the order of TCP/IP Over Carrier Pigeon, and yes it is an official internet standard:

There are several advantages to "Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers", for example - as noted in the RFC - low altitude service. Here are photographs of the first pings: … index.html">

and a photo of the very first data packet in transmission: … g.jpg.html">




(serving a 50Mbyte file from a http session peaks and holds consistent at around 18.72bit/s)

18.72 bits per second is on the order of TCP/IP Over Carrier Pigeon

Someone stole my "M". That's my story and I'm sticking to it :-)

(fully aware of the avian packet protocol…)

If I download a single file, it is very fast.

If I have concurrent requests the max. are 90Kb / s. (HTTP connections) :(

I have following settings in /etc/sysctl.conf (working well on normal servers):


net.core.rmem_default = 256960

net.core.rmem_max = 256960

net.core.wmem_default = 256960

net.core.wmem_max = 256960

net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0

net.ipv4.tcp_sack =1

net.ipv4.tcpwindowscaling = 1








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