
I've been using a Dell Mini 9 a lot lately and prefer to use Mibbit to IRC (its a browser-based IRC client).

I've whois tools as plugins to my FF browser and noticed that Mibbit.com is using Linode nameservers. I take that to mean that a Linode is hosting the Mibbit service. If that's the case, that is cool as hell!

Mad props the the Linode user that hosts Mibbit!

5 Replies

Cool, huh? :)

The guy who runs it can sometimes be seen in #linode as well.

alucard@karrde:~$ host embed.mibbit.com
embed.mibbit.com CNAME widget.mibbit.com
widget.mibbit.com A
alucard@karrde:~$ whois
Found a referral to whois.nac.net:43.

NAC-Rwhoisd32 Server Ready - [hydrogen/43] Rwhoisd32 - 1.0.73

Linode.com (NET-CFC04B00-24)
707 White Horse Pike
Suite E-1
Absecon, NJ 08201

OrgID : NAC-40320
Netname : NET-CFC04B00-24
NetUse : new Colo

Asaro, Thomas tasaro@linode.com
Phone: ((6) 09)- 59-3710

Yep :)

yeah, i did a /whois after my post, but checked dns first (a habit of mine). what first tipped me off was the IP itself, which appears to be on the same subnet as my own linode.

Hi there, thanks for the props, and glad you're using Mibbit :)

For the curious, the Mibbit widget backend currently runs on a single 1.4GB VPS, and handles between 500 and 1,500 HTTP reqs / second :)

and it's currently at 260% of its bandwidth quota - about 2TB

Linode have been an awesome host for Mibbit.


Hi there, thanks for the props, and glad you're using Mibbit :)

For the curious, the Mibbit widget backend currently runs on a single 1.4GB VPS, and handles between 500 and 1,500 HTTP reqs / second :)

and it's currently at 260% of its bandwidth quota - about 2TB

Linode have been an awesome host for Mibbit.

Out of curiosity, since the price difference between the Linode 1440 and Linode 2880 is the same as the cost of the extra bandwidth ($80 difference, 800GB extra bandwidth), why do you have the 1440 and not the 2880?

It would cost you nothing to migrate to a 2880 since your bandwidth seems to be well above 1600GB, and you'd double your RAM, disk, and CPU allotments.


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