Servers are very slow - not accessible, can't login to linod

all our servers are very very slow … not accessible.

Can you please check whats the issue?

Lots of customer compalints already … please please look into this issue ASAP.


4 Replies

Issues requiring immediate staff intervention should be handled in a ticket, not the community forums.

(Tickets are wired to pagers, and in mikegrb's case, a bucket of ice water that hangs above the head of his bed.)

Moved from System & Network Status.

More information such as which datacenter, which Linode host you're on, what exactly you mean by "very slow", and probably your IPs is needed.

In short, if you read this and take its lessons to heart then you will receive better answers.


Issues requiring immediate staff intervention should be handled in a ticket, not the community forums.

I'm surprised you were thanked for helping them out like this, since a lot of newbies don't know their way around yet and - !

Oops, nevermind.



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